Press Release
On August 15, 2017, NPH announced the sale of the business of its independent broker-dealer network to LPL Financial LLC (LPL).
For more information, view this
press release.
INVEST Financial Corporation is no longer registered with FINRA as a broker dealer or with the SEC as an investment advisor. All calls regarding your investment account should be directed as indicated below:
- Please contact your registered representative or investment advisor with whom you have been working with in conjunction with your account for assistance.
- If you have or had an investment account at Pershing, LLC, please call their customer service line at 201-761-5499.
- If you have or had an investment account at National Financial Services, LLC, please call their customer service line at 800-801-9942.
- For all other investment account questions, please refer to your account statement for their customer service phone number.
All other inquiries should be sent to:
INVEST Financial Corporation
c/o Jackson National Life
P.O. Box 30389
Lansing, MI 48909-7889